Hi, I'm Angelique Joy. I'm based in Queensland, Australia with my family but I work with clients from across the globe.

I am the Creator of the SoulSetting™ Process Healing Method. You can find more in-depth details about it HERE

In 2009, I started my first at-home Nail and Beauty Salon business when my firstborn son was just 6 weeks old (I know, it sounds crazy, right?). I'd also almost lost my life during his birth, so diving into entrepreneurship so soon was quite a daring move. During this time, I also became an Educator for an International Nail brand. I cherished my clients and enjoyed teaching, but I always had a passion for Alternative Health. After experiencing my own healing crisis and finding ways to heal through spirituality, movement, and lifestyle changes, I decided to gain the necessary credentials to help others in the same way.

Coaching, counseling, and empowering people have been a consistent theme throughout my life, no matter the setting.

In 2016, I entered the world of Kinesiology, studying an Internationally recognized PKP Kinesiology Certification. It felt like all my lifetimes of inner knowing were ignited in that classroom, and I finally found a way to heal on a level I had never experienced before. PKP Kinesiology provided me with an initial framework to bring together all my life experiences, blended with Energy Medicine based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and various other ancient healing philosophies, along with modern Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology and Body Mechanics. This combination created a cohesive modality for Mind, Body, and Spiritual development. Over the years, I've acquired additional modalities, giving me a vast background in mind-body medicine. My passion lies in working with the conscious and non-conscious mind, energetics and how they impact the nervous system and brain body connection. I found that through a deeply integrated approach I could help my clients release lifetimes of unhelpful patterns of thoughts, emotions and behaviours.

Life truly improves when you are attuned to your Soulful Self and not reacting from your wounded self. I am an intuitive and nurturing person who also tells it like it is. Ultimately, my goal is to help others achieve their Soul Goals. We don't have time to waste, but we also don't need to hustle and burn out to get where we want. It's all about Aligned Action and nurturing the nervous system for functional well-being, evolution, and adaptation.

Through extensive research and clinical application, working with hundreds of people, I developed my SoulSetting™ Kinesiology Process Healing Method and the C.A.R.E.S framework to elevate my clients' results. This allowed me to transition from face to face to online sessions, where I now work with clients from all over the world, both 1:1 and through my group programs with even better results than they've ever gotten before.

With my unique methods, I support my clients in processing and releasing past and current stress, helping them to be present and enjoy their day to day experiences, businesses and relationships, and facilitating life-enhancing changes. These transformations often feel like magic, not because they are mystical, but because of how effortlessly they occur, revealing the innate potential within each individual.

There's so much more to my journey that I can't summarize in such a short space, but I invite you to get to know me through my online presence, videos, groups, and programs. If you still have questions please get in touch, I'd love to hear from you and see how I can support your ongoing success. Feel free to check out my clients' testimonials HERE

I look forward to connecting with you soon,

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